
With the assistance of our governing body NGIA, Horticulture Innovation Australia, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, NGIT is able to offer members and Non-Members a range of industry specific and business development workshops pertaining to the nursery and horticulture industry.
These workshops and information sessions are designed to ensure our members are up-to-date with current information and industry standards, with the aim of providing ongoing development of businesses and skills.

Building the Resilience and On-Farm Biosecurity
Workshop Series:
The process of diagnosing plant health problems
presented by
Andrew Manners
Senior Entomologist, Horticulture and Forestry Science
John Duff
Senior Plant Protectionist, Entomologist
When: Wednesday 21st June 2017
Time:10am - 4pm
Location: Tas TAFE - Horticulture
4a Bounty Street, Warrane
Refreshments, light lunch and afternoon tea provided.
Members & Students = $25 per person
Non-Members = $45 per person
Cancellation Notice
Due to lack of registrations and numbers attending,
this workshop has now been cancelled
Presented by Department of Agriculture and Fisheries QLD and HIA
Register you interest below or download the Workshop Registration Form and email back to admin@ngitas.com.au - we will then invoice you.
Please note - numbers are strictly limited.