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NGIT Annual General Meeting 2017
Kentish Hotel, Oatlands
September 27, 2017
All NGIT Members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 28th September at 10 am at the Kentish Hotel, 60 High Street, Oatlands. Morning tea will be provided. All items for the agenda must be submitted to Administration at admin@ngitas.com.au by the close of business on Friday 22nd of September.NGIT has also issue a call for nominations for Office Bearers and Life Membership awards, these must also be received by Friday the 22nd of September. Follow the link below to download nomination forms.

The Future of the Horticulture Industry
HIA is Supercharging the future of our industry
August 23, 2016
As part of its biggest industry leadership campaign in history, HIA and a national focussed PhD scholarship scheme - will help growers develop their competitive edge when dealing with domestic and global markets.
Up to six PhD Scholarships will be awarded annually each year for five years under this program.
The University of Tasmania will coordinate the program nationally, will be working closely with HIA to establish the program.
For further information click on the link below to read the full media release from HIA.

Onion Rot Trail - Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture
Onion White Rot
August 23, 2016
Onion white rot is a fungal disease in onion crops that can cause large yeild reductions in commercial crops.
The Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture is conducting a research project to improve our understanding of the conditions that promote OWR infection and to use this information to guide fungicide application strategies.
This 3 year project is funded by HIA using the onion industry levy and funds from the Australian Governement.
Follow the link below to read the whole report in The Advocate.

Blueberry Rust Detection
Biosecurity Advisory
August 11, 2016
Biosecurity Tasmania and industry are responding to a detection of blueberry rust on a property in the State's north.
For more information please visit Biosecurity Tasmania's website:
Fair Work Commission
Horticulture Pay Award
June 30, 2016
Pay Guide - Horticulture Award 2010 (MA000033)
The Nursery Award Pay Guide is now available to download. This is effective from Friday 1st July, 2016 as published on Fair Work Australia's website. Follow this link to the Fair Work Commission website or download the Horticulture Award 2010 (MA00033) below.

Tassie Strawberry Growers Unite
Tasmanian strawberry growers unite to stamp out pests.
May 17, 2016
Three years ago, Tasmanian strawberry growers raised the alarm to their Research and Development Corporation after several tonnes of fruit was damaged by an unknown pest.
HIA recognised that the growth of strawberry production under protected cropping in new areas in Tasmania led to bugs taking on a new significance in strawberry crops.
Click on the link below to download the HIA Media Release.