The Nursery and Garden Industry Tasmania represents commercial growers, retailers and service suppliers throughout Tasmania.
NGIT provides its Tasmanian members with a national voice, leadershsip, support and resources to help drive key industry intitiatives.

Nursery and Garden Industry Tasmania
Tasmania is a diverse region of Australia with specific challenges; our island location and isolation alone can often present complex logistic problems, and yet in the feild of Biosecurity it can also be seen as an advantage.
NGIT membership covers a diverse variety of businesses involved in the nursery and garden industry; growers, retailers, distributors, contractors, suppliers, transporters, local councils, registered training providers and many more.
Our Vision
A unified Tasmanian nursery and garden industry that is productive, profitable and sustainable.
Our key objectives are:
Market - Increase the sales value of nursery products and services.
Communication - build industry support through shaping government, public and understanding.
Innovation - to enable the industry to respond to growth opportunities.
Efficiency - enhance industry resources through upgrading skills, knowledge and practice.
Governance - Support the industry through services and resources.

NGIT's main aim is to keep all our members up to date with any current information and industry standards that are required to ensure the ongoing development of the industry.

NGIT is always looking for new opportunities to share with our members. Sharing new and innovative developments within the industry is one of our prime objectives.

It is the focus of NGIT to inform everyone who we are and what we do. It is our focus to develop important partnerships and ensure support for the Nursery and Garden Industry in Tasmania.