Accreditation - Setting the Standards

Accreditation provides an assurance that the business you are dealing with is committed to the highest quality business practices as established by the Nursery and Garden Industry Australia.
The Accreditation programs ensure that participating businesses become compliant with a standardized benchmark to become recognised providers of a high quality of service.
Each business is individually assessed to ensure the meet the highest quality standards as specified by the Nursery and Garden Industry of Australia.
Accrediation provides the consumer with assurity that they are buying products from an Accredited nursery or service provider.

Retail Accreditation
The Australian Garden Centre Accreditation Scheme (AGCAS) is a national industry managed scheme designed to raise the benchmark standards of garden centre retailing in Australia.
The scheme is designed to assure:
The quality of the products
Knowledge and experience of staff
Standards of premises
Scope and nature of promotional activities

NIASA Best Management Practices
NIASA is a set of best practice standards established by and for the Australian Nursery and Garden Industry to gove your business the best chance of success.
By gaining accreditation, your business and your products will be recognised by growers, sellers and consumers as amongst the best in the industry.
Download a copy of the NIASA - Way to Grow below.

Certified Nursery Professional
The Certified Nursery Professional (CNP) program is the industry's professional recognition scheme for individuals. CNP members acknowledged for their skill and expertise within the nursery and garden industry.
Having knowledgable staff is a valuable business asset.
The CNP Program:
Acknowledges an ongoing committment to improving skills and industry knowledge.
Provides the public with assurance that staff are knowledge whilst providing superior service.
Encourages a highly skilled competetive industry
Valuable networking opportunities
Access to ongoing professional development

Ecohort (TM) - Environmental Management System
The Nursery and Garden Industry Australia (NGIA) in partnership with Horticulture Australia Limited (HAL) have developed a set of guidelines that provide a systematic approch for production nurseries to assess their environmental and natural resource management responsibilities.
EcoHort (TM) is the industry specific set of guidlines or Environmental Managemmant System (EMS). Download your copy of the Nursery Papers below.

Biosecure HACCP (Property Biosecurity Program)
The Nursery and Garden Industry Australia )NGIA) in partnership with Horticulture Australia Limited (HAL) have developed a set of guidelines that will provide a systematic approach for production nurseries to assess their biosecurity hazards and responsibilities and manage and identify risks.
Biosecurity in nursery production is the protection of the enterprise from the introduction of insects, diseases and other biological organisms that may adversely impact on a business.
Download your copy of the Biosecure On-farm Biosecurity for Nursery Production below.