Diary of Events

As part of your member benefits NGIT runs a range of workshops and industry information sessions.
We would also like to promote our accredited members businesses and functions.
Below are some up and coming events that NGIT is supporting in its role as the state industry representative.
Horticultural and Landscape Supplies - Site Visit
Friday April 15th
Steve Gavalas from Horticultural and Landscape Supplies invited all NGIT members to a site visit and a extensive presentation by Max Edgley on soil health.
Steve and his team escourted a group of members around the HALS site and explained the processes and procedures of producing their wide range of horticultural products.
Max Edgley, who studying his PhD in Horticultural Science at UTASpresented an interesting and informative workshop discussing the value of Soil Health.
If anyone is interested in a copy of Max's informative session please contact Horticultural and Landscape Supplies.

Annual General Meeting
August 29, 2018
AGM Information

AGM Agenda
September 21, 2017
All items for inclusion into the NGIT Annual General Meeting Agenda should be sent by email to Administration at admin@ngitas.com.au no later than the close of business on Friday 24th August 2018.

Call for Nominations
September 21, 2017
The Nursery and Garden Industry Tasmania Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 28th September.
In accordance with our guidelines, nominations for candidates for election as Office Bearers are requested.
All nominations must be in writing, signed by two members of NGIT and endorsed by the candidate, and delivered by email to Administration at admin@ngitas.com.au no later than 5pm on Friday, 22nd September 2017.
Download a nomination form here.

Life Membership Nominations
September 21, 2017
The NGIT Life Membership award exists to recognise the valuable contribution of individuals to the Nursery and Garden Industry in Tasmania. In considering the award of Life Membership, nominated members should have demonstrated significant, sustained and high quality service to the nursery industry.
NGIT is now calling for nominations for Life Members to be considered at the 2017 Annual General Meeting. Please download and fill out the attached form and return to Administration at admin@ngitas.com.au no later than 5pm on Friday, 22nd September 2017.
Future Events
Member Benefits
If your business is having a special event or you'd like to share any information with fellow members please CONTACT US at NGIT for assistance in promoting your up and coming event on the NGITas website.