Membership Benefits
Accreditation programs to encourage best practices
Development Officers with technical and commercial expertise
Consultation on behalf of its members towards State
and Federal government organisations -
Industrial Relations consultations through the
Centre for Tasmanian Industry (CTI) -
Information and articles of interest published in NGIT's Tassie eNews newsletter and national trade magazines
Grow your business resilience with training: we offer industry specific information, workshops, webinars, forums and seminars either free or with significant member discount rates
National promotional material
Awareness of new technologies and marketing ideas provided through national publications such as
Nursery Papers -
Listing in the nationally distributed Nursery Trade Register
Regular information email updates and alerts on acccreditation, biosecurity, grants and assistance, legal issues, Fair Work pay awards, water management, Health and Saftey and insurance responsibilities.
Free advertising in Tassie eNews
NGIT website and social media - relaying current industry information, links, online subscriptions, downloads, registrations, partner information and members listings

Since the 1960's NGIT has represented its members and kept them informed on matters relating to their industry. The association continues to expand Tasmania's professional network, influencing improvements at Federal and State Government levels and informing members of the impact to their businesses.
Training and education opportunities throughout the years have and will continue to improve the performance and knowledge at individual businesses.
NGIT Offers Members:

NGIT Offers Members Nationally:
Regular NGIA technical and business advisory papers
Certified Nursery Professional (CNP) program
NIASA accreditation for production nurseries
AGCAS accreditation for retail nurseries
Horticulture Australia Limited (market research reports)
Reduced rates on manuals and promotional materials
Marketing and retail advice on a national level
Updates ex Fairwork Australia
Reduced rates for NGIA conferences
Reciprical rights to interstate Trade Days
Qantas Club Corporate Membership discount
Special rates for insurance

A proactive industry - growing your business
Professional cooperation will continue with the aim of improving internal business processes and communication with major industry stakeholders and government organisations
By utilising the nationally recognised accreditation schemes, discussions and planned audits together with the Development Officer gives recognition throughout Australia as a best practice nursey or retail centre
Formal recognition is given to individuals for their knowledge, experience and continual learning through the Certified Nursery Professional Program
Promotion and education of home gardeners through the retail garden centres is made possible through the marketing intitiatives provided by NGIT and the national body (NGIA)
Accessibility to the relevant Development Officer facilitates business improvements and profit margins
Awareness of new technologies and marketing ideas is provided with the free delivery of national publications such as Clippings and Nursery Papers
To become a member of the Nursery and Garden Industry Tasmania please follow the link below.

NGIA Representative:
Karen Brock
Brocklands Pty Ltd
Life Members
Bill Allen
Noelene Allan
Henry Van der Staay (Senior)
Tony Van der Staay
Rose Van der Staay
Committee Members
Mark Van der Staay
Westland Nurseries
Vice President
Joe Kerin
Granton Plants
Karen Brock
Brocklands Pty Ltd
Lauren Chandler
Chandlers Nursery
David Drysdale