NGIT Member Listing
Southern Members
Allans Garden Supplies Pty Ltd
Specialising in seedlings, growers of plugs, Polyanthus, potted colour, foliage house plants.
Contact: David Allen - Manager
Cnr Raglan & Victoria Streets, Youngtown, TAS 7249
P: (03) 6343 1800
F: (03) 6343 1465

Chandlers Nursery
Est 1888 Tasmania's oldest nursery and retail garden centre.
Contact: Gregg Chandler
0419 553 577
75 Queen Street, Sandy Bay, TAS 7005
P: (03) 6223 5688
F: (03) 6224 1161

The Fork in the Road Garden Centre
An inspirational garden leisure centre. Specialising in a large range of garden ornaments, pots, water accessories, unique topiary, plus a large selection of quality plant life.
Contact: Anita Craven - Manager
P: 0428 679 630
E: anita@clennettsmitre10.com.au
10 Huntingfield Drive Kingston TAS 7050
P: (03) 6229 7888
F: (03) 6229 7954

Granton Plants
Quality growers of trees, shrubs and perennials.
30 Turners Road, Granton TAS 7030
P: (03) 6263 7988
F: (03) 6263 6238
Contact: Joe Kerin
P: 0438 535 650

Garden Lane Maintenance
Mark Lane from Garden Lane Maintenance is located in West Launceston.
Garden Lane Maintenance builds, landscapes and maintains gardens, including water features, watering systems, decks, paths, edging and fencing.
Contact Mark at gardenlanemaintenance@gmail.com
Or phone: 0419 360 914

Greenhill Nursery
Retail and production nursery, growers of a wide range of grasses, shrubs, fruiting plants and trees, as well as hedging plants, including ScreenMaster Pittosorums. Everything from 75mm pots to 400 litre containerised trees.
Contact: David & Laura Drysdale
P: 0408 136 125
29 Parkdale Drive, Leslie Vale, TAS 7054
P: (03) 6239 6850

Hills Transplants Pty Ltd
Contact: Stephen Hill
51 Don Heads Road, Devonport, Tas 7310
P: (03) 6424 8796
F: (03) 6424 6293

Hobart Regional Nursery - Hobart City Council
Production Nursery - Native shrubs and grasses, annual bedding plants, trees and shrubs. Produced to order for Local Councils and other Government sectors for Parks and Gardens, Streetscapes, Project works and Urban Design.
Contact: Jerry Romanski
P: 0408 073 326
GPO Box 503 Hobart, TAS 7001
9 Takari Place, Mornington, TAS 7018
P: (03) 6245 0977
F: (03) 6245 9259

Horticultural and Landscape Supplies
Potting Media Producer - Wholesaler of garden aids.
Contact: Steve Gavalas - General Enquiries
P: 0418 121 504
Contact: Russell Boast - Media Sales
P: 0418 127 721
Contact: Michael Foote - Retail Sales North
P: 0448 362 189
Contact: Heather Huxley - Retail Sales South
0408 355 287
PO Box 185 Brighton TAS 7030
45 Crooked Billet Drive Brighton, TAS 7030
P: (03) 6263 4688
T/Free P: 1800 807 229 (Northern Tasmania Only)
F: 6263 4699

Levett's Plant Propagation
Azaleas, mini roses, natives, fuchias and general shrubs.
Contact: Richard Levett
P: 0408 905 112
10 Gumbowie Drive Port Sorell TAS 7307
P: (03) 6248 6991
F: (03) 6248 6901

M C Tibballs & Son Pty Ltd
Tasmania's sole grower for all Oasis seedlings and herbs.
Contact: Craig Tibballs - Managing Director
P: 0423 048 205
Contact: Luke Faulks - Office Manager
Contact: Sharon Harvey - Sales Manager
PO Box 1008 Glenorchy TAS 7010
16 - 18 Herbert Street Montrose TAS 7010
P: (03) 6272 1666
F: (03) 6272 4260

Riverview Nursery
Proudly offering the coast's largest range of green-life including advanced ornamental trees, fruit trees, natives and an extensive selection of indoor plants and pots.
Our knowledgeable staff are happy to help with all of your garden needs, from plants to furniture and gifts; we have it all.
Contact: Damien & Michele Reeves
31 Forth Road,
Don, Tas 7310
P: (03) 6424 5847
F: (03) 6423 2156

Strathayr Instant Lawn
Tasmania wide supplier of instant lawn
Contact: Frank Casimaty
P: 0418 120 537
Contact: Emma Casimaty
PO Box 38 Richmond TAS 7025
70 Back Tea Tree Road Richmond TAS 7025
P: (03) 6260 2388
F: (03) 6260 2691

Tahune Feilds Horticulture Pty Ltd
Intensive wholesale grower of nursery fruit trees. Pome and stone fruit - budded and grafted trees. Rootstocks - large selection including dwarfing. Sales to - commercial orchardists in Tasmania and interstate.
Contact: Brendon Francis
P: 0418 1223 429
Contact Steve Brezinscak
P: 0409 979 350
PO Box 62 Huonville TAS 7109
106 Lucaston Road Huonville TAS 7109
P: (03) 6266 4474
F: (03) 6266 4451

Tasmanian Fruit Tree Growers - Division of Hazelbook Farm Nursery
Fruit trees, nut trees, decidious ornamental trees, deciduous flowering trees.
Contact: John & Karen Wheatley
P: 0418 144 296
PO Box 210 Penguin TAS 7316
270 Pine Road Penguin TAS 7316
P: (03) 6437 2072
A/H: (03) 6437 1179
F: (03) 6437 1922

TasTAFE Primary Industry
Teaching and learning.
Contact: Paul Veldhuis - Education Manager
E: paul.veldhuis@tastafe.tas.edu.au
PO Box 2015 Hobart TAS 7001
4a Bounty Street Warrane TAS 7018
P: (03) 6165 6554
P: (03) 6165 6481
T/Free: 1300 655 307
F: (03) 6425 8156

Westland Nurseries
Growers of native and exotic trees and shrubs, 140mm - 200 litre, house plants and flowering pot plants. Extensive range of new releases including Colourwave, Ramm and PMA Selections.
Contact: Mark Van der Staay - Director
E: markvan@westlandnurseries.com.au
P: 0419 174 297
Contact: Tony Voss - Production Manager
E: tonyvoss@westlandnurseries.com.au
Contact: Peter Allen - Sales Manager
E: peterallen@westlandnurseries.com.au
Contact: Tony Van der Staay - Manager
E: tvanders@westlandnurseries.com.au
P: 0409 541 247
118 Surf Road, Seven Mile Beach TAS 7170
P: (03) 6248 6863
F: (03) 6248 7402